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New Year’s Resolution Ideas – Make This Your Best Year Ever
Apa yang akan kamu tulis untuk Next Chapter di hidupmu? Itu semua
terserah padamu, ambil langkah pasti untuk membuat Chapter lebih
baik dari tahun lalu,dengan mengatur resolusimu tahun ini.
Learn Something New Each Day.
Set the resolution to learn something new every day in order to have a better
understanding of the world and how it works. Fortunately, the internet makes
it incredibly easy to learn new things. Here are three sites you can try:
- Subscribe to Wikipedia’s Featured Article mailing list – you’ll receive an email
each morning containing Wikipedia’s featured article for that day. - Watch a CrashCourse video on YouTube. CrashCourse is an educational
YouTube channel started by the Green brothers, Hank Green and John Green.
Each video is about 15 minutes long and they cover subjects such as literature,
biology, history, economics, and so on. The cherry on top is that the videos are
fun to watch. - Watch a TED Talk every morning while you eat breakfast.
Play More.
Play is an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults. In addition,
it can make you more creative and productive. Bring more play into your life by
making it a New Year’s resolution.
Eat Fewer Calories.
There are many reasons why most of us should set a resolution of eating fewer
calories. The most obvious reason is to lose weight. After all, carrying excess
weight puts us at a greater risk of a whole range of serious health problems,
including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
With all of the contradictory information out there on what to eat, sometimes it’s
hard to decide what to do when you want to lose weight. I try to keep things simple.
When I want to lose weight, I just eat less. I recommend you do the same.
If you gained weight in 2018, resolve to eat smaller portions in 2019.
In addition, as I wrote in my post 17 Ways to Slow Down Aging and Live Longer,
people eating a restricted diet live longer and endure fewer age-related diseases.
Try eating until you’re satisfied, instead of full. Also, eat more slowly to allow your
body to send you cues about fullness.
Other reasons for eating less are ethical–that is, social justice, animal rights issues,
and environmental concerns–but we won’t go into those here.
Write a Business Plan.
Make 2018 the year you stop thinking about starting a business and you start
taking action –it’s OK if it’s a small business on the side. The first step to take is
to write a business plan. Once you get your ideas down on paper, you’ll be that
much more motivated to turn those ideas into reality.
Move More.
It doesn’t matter what you choose to do: join a sports team; get a pedometer and
take at least 10,000 steps a day; get up every 20 minutes and stretch; or join a dance
class. Just move! Living a sedentary life dumbs you down, it makes it more likely
that you’ll be overweight, and it puts you at a higher risk of depression.
Think of the following quote from the movie “Madagascar“:
“Move it nice and sweet and sassy, alright!”
Be More Grateful.
If you haven’t climbed aboard the gratitude bandwagon yet, this is the year to do it.
There are studies that show that gratitude can make you 25% happier. Think about
that for a second: you can be 25% happier simply by taking the time to count your
blessings and think of all the good things in you life!
Being grateful will also help you to overcome adversity, improve the quality of your
sleep, and allow you to get along better with others. For next year, resolve to be
more grateful. Here are some gratitude exercises to get you started.
Set Aside On-Hour-A-Day to Achieve Your Dreams.
Stop telling yourself that you simply don’t have the time to work on your dreams.
Whatever your dreams are–whether it’s to make more money so you can redecorate
your home, learn to play an instrument, have a positive impact on the world, and so
on–you can accomplish those dreams in just one-hour-a-day.
Learn a New Skill.
What have you always wanted to learn to do? Do you want to learn to play an
instrument, code, knit, whittle? The possibilities are endless. Take advantage of all
of the information that exists out there on how to learn new skills quickly and reach
the end of 2018 with a couple of new skills under your belt.